Abdullah bin Salaam RA relates:

In the Qur'an, Allah Ta'ala says:
"And the servants of The Most Gracious (Allah) are those... who spend the night in adoration of their Lord, prostrating and standing (in Qiyaam)." (Surah 25: Ayat 64)
In another Hadith, the Prophet Muhammad SAW is reported to have advised:
"Be vigilant in standing up (in prayer) at night for it was the practise of the pious before you. It is a means of gaining proximity to Allah Ta'ala, an expiation for transgressions, and a barrier from sins." (Riwayat Tirmidhi)
In this hadith, Nabi SAW emphasised the importance of Tahajjud, its virtues and spiritual benefits. The term - "the pious before you" - refers to the Ambiyaa AS before Rasulullah SAW and their faithful followers. It is obvious that - "gaining proximity to Allah Ta'ala" - is the objective of man's existence. This is only possible by total servitude to Allah Ta'ala.
In relation to this, Allah Ta'ala, addressing Nabi SAW says in the Qur'an:
"Prostrate and gain closeness to Allah Ta'ala. (Surah 96: Ayat 19)
In a Hadith Qudsi (divine related hadith), Rasulullah SAW informs that Allah Ta'ala says:
"If my servant comes closer to me by one span, I go towards him a cubit’s length; if he comes to me a cubit’s length, I go towards him an arm’s length; and if he walks towards me, I run unto him."
(Bukhari & Muslim)
The above Hadith Qudsi implies that if man increases his devotion to Allah, then Allah will increase His Mercy and Kindness proportionately far greater. The terms - "getting closer" and "running" - signify immediate increase in Allah's Blessings and Mercy.
Another Hadith narrates that Rasulullah SAW said:
"Salah at night guards one from sin, cools the wrath of Allah and is protection from the heat of the Day of Judgement."
In another Hadith, Nabi SAW said:
"There are three groups of people with whom Allah Ta'ala smiles. They are - a person who stands in Salah at night; a community when they stand in the saf (rows for Salah); and a nation when they prepare the arrays on the battlefield." (Sharhus Sunnah)
In the above narration, the term - "Allah Ta'ala smiles" - denotes the pleasure of Allah Ta'ala. Certainly Allah's pleasure is the greatest reward and bliss one can ever attain in this world and the Hereafter.
In the Qur'an, Allah Ta'ala says:
"And the pleasure of Allah is the greatest bliss." (Surah 9: Ayat 72)
It is related in one Hadith, that Rasulullah SAW said:
"Allah Ta'ala will call the people of Jannah (Paradise); they will reply, "Labbaik (we are in your service)". Allah Ta'ala will ask them, "Are you pleased?"; they will reply, "Why should we not be pleased when You have granted us the best of blessings". Allah Ta'ala will then ask them, "Should I grant you a blessing that would surpass all others?" The people of Jannah will entreat, "What can be a greater blessing than those we have already received?". At that time Allah Ta'ala will reply, "I confer My everlasting pleasure upon you, and I will never be displeased with you after this." (Fawaidh Uthmani)
In another Hadith, Nabi SAW is reported to have said:
"When a person, on a cold night, leaves his wife and his bed to perform wudhu (ablution) and Salah (Tahajjud); on seeing this Allah Ta'ala inquires from the Angels, "What has inspired My servant to do this?" They reply, "Our Lord, it is because of Your special Benevolence and the exceptional hope they have (in Your Mercy). To this Allah Ta'ala will say, "I call you to witness that whatever hopes they have in Me, I have fulfilled them; and I have granted them safety from all (their) fears."[b]
It is narrated in one hadith that Rasulullah SAW said:
"(The Prophet) Dawud (AS) had set aside a time at night in which he would awaken his household. He would say, 'O people of my household, awaken and perform Salaah; for certainly this is the time in which Allah Ta'ala accepts Du'as (supplications) except the Duas of a sorcerer and a bandit." (Ahmad & Mishkaat)
Abu Hurairah RA relates that Nabi Muhammad SAW said:
"Allah Ta'ala has mercy on a person who stands up at night to perform Tahajjud and also awaken his wife. If she does not wake up, he sprinkles water on her face. And Allah Ta'ala has mercy on a woman who stands up for Tahajjud and also awakens her husband. If he does not wake up, she sprinkles water on his face." (Abu Dawud and Mishkaat)
Abu Sa'eed RA and Abu Hurairah RA relate that Nabi Muhammad SAW said:
"When a man awakens his family and they perform Tahajjud, they will be considered among the 'Zakireen' and the 'Zakiraat'." (Abu Dawud & Ibn Majah)
Family here refers to one's spouse, children and close family members. Zakireen and Zakiraat are those men and women who remember Allah Ta'ala in all conditions.