
Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Eeman part 4: More ways to Increase your Eeman: Knowledge and Dua

Gaining knowledge

To seek knowledge is a sacred duty, it is obligatory on every Muslim, male and female. The first word revealed of the Qur’an was "Iqra" READ! Seek knowledge! Educate yourselves! Be educated.

Surah Al-Zumr, ayah 9 reveals: "Are those equal, those who know and those who do not know?"

Surah Al-Baqarah, ayah 269 reveals: "Allah grants wisdom to whom He pleases and to whom wisdom is granted indeed he receives an overflowing benefit."

Ibn Mas’ud (Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (S) said: The position of only two persons is enviable; the person whom Allah bestowed wealth empowering him to spend it in the way of righteousness, and the person whom Allah gave wisdom with which he adjudges and which he teaches to others

According to Tirmidhi and Ibn Majah, Ibn Abbas (Allah be pleased with him) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (S) said: A single scholar of religion is more formidable against shaytaan than a thousand devout persons. 

Islam is our greatest gift. We have to be thankful for this gift. We have to render to Allah His due. Allah has given us so much by making us a part of the Ummah of the Prophet Muhammad (S) so we must totally commit ourselves as followers of the Prophet (S). We must become true Muslims.

A person without knowledge is like someone walking along a track in complete darkness. Most likely his steps will wander aside and he easily can be deceived by shaytaan. This shows that our greatest danger lies in our ignorance of Islamic teachings and in our unawareness of what the Qur’an teaches and what guidance has been given by the Prophet (S). But if we are blessed with the light of knowledge we will be able to see plainly the clear path of Islam at every step of our lives. We shall also be able to identify and avoid the dangerous paths of Kufr, Shirk and immorality, which may cross it. And, whenever a false guide meets us on the way, a few words with him will quickly establish that he is not a guide who should be followed.

Every one of us, young or old, man or woman, should at least acquire sufficient knowledge to enable ourselves to understand the essence of the teachings of the Qur’an and the purpose for which it has been sent down. We should also be able to understand clearly the mission, which our beloved Prophet (S) came into this world to fulfil. We should also recognize the corrupt order and system, which he came to destroy. We should acquaint ourselves, too, with the way of life which Allah has ordained for us.

No great amount of time is required to acquire this simple knowledge. If we truly value Iman, it cannot be too difficult to find one hour every day to devote for our Iman.

Hadith states:

"He who acquires knowledge acquires a vast portion." AND "If anyone going on his way in search of knowledge, God will, thereby make easy for him the way to Paradise." 

May Allah (SWT) give us strength to behave and act just as He likes us to do and be pleased with us, and that should be the purpose of our lives. Rabbi zidnee ilma (O Lord, increase us in knowledge). Aameen.

Making much dua(supplication)

Dua is defined as any invocation or prayer addressed to Allah (SWT). In our times, we find many reasons why people do not make Dua; we forget, don't know how, or just do not think it will be answered. Fundamental to this is the loss of dependence and trust upon Allah. As Muslims there is something very wrong when we believe our Duas won't be answered.We do not turn to Allah in our times of need and instead put our trust, dependence and hopes on worldly things that we think willhelp us. Although these temporal things are the means through which our Duas can be answered, the root of our being should be trained automatically to turn to Allah and not anything or anyone else. Through Dua, we strengthen our Imaan and our relationship with Allah, as well as heighten our awareness of cause and effect that can help inspire and motivate us to be closer to Islam in our lives.

We find many reassurances throughout the Quran for those who make Dua. Allah the Exalted, has said: "And your Lord says: Pray unto me: and I will hear your prayer" (Quran 40:60), "Call upon your Lord Humbly and in secret" (Quran 7:55), 
"When My servants question thee concerning Me, I am indeed close (to them): I listen to the prayer of every suppliant when he calleth on Me" (Quran 2:186), "Is not He (best) who listens to the (soul) distressed when it calls on Him, and who relieves its suffering." (Quran 27:62)

Aisha radhiallaahu anha said, "No believer makes Dua and it is wasted. Either it is granted here in this world or deposited for him in the Hereafter as long as he does not get frustrated."

In fact, it is even wrong to never make Dua, "Whosoever does not supplicate to Allah, He will be angry with Him."[Saheeh Jaami`as-Sagheer #2414]

We can and should make Dua in every condition, i.e. in hardship and in prosperity. 

There are also some special times to make Dua where it is more likely to be accepted:

1. When one is oppressed 
2. Between the time of Athan and Iqama 
3. At the time of the call for prayer 
4. At the time of fighting when warriors are engaged with each other 
5. When it is raining 
6. When one is sick
7. The last third of the night 
8. Ramadan (especially Lailatul Qadr) 
9. After the Fard part of prayer 
10. When traveling 
11. When breaking fast 
12. In Sujood 
13. Fridays, some say on Friday after Asr prayer 
14. While drinking the water from the well of Zamzam 
15. At the start of prayer (Dua of Istiftah) 
16. When one begins the prayer, i.e. with "all praise be to 
Allah, the Pure and the Blessed one" 
17. While one recites al-Fatiha (which is a Dua) 
18. When Ameen is said in the prayer (also relating to Fatiha) 
19. At the time of raising the head after the Rukoo 
20. In the last part of the prayer after conveying blessings unto the Prophet (SAW) 
21. Before finishing the prayer (before Tasleem (saying the Salaam to the angels)) 
22. At the end of Wudu 
23. On the day of Arafah 
24. On waking up from sleep 
25. At times of adversity 
26. Prayer after the death of a person 
27. Dua when someone's heart is filled with sincerity and when it is focused on Allah 
28. Dua of the parent against or for his children 
29. When the sun moves from its meridian but before the Dhuhr prayer 
30. The Dua of a Muslim for his brother without the latter's knowledge
31. At the time the army advances to fight in the way of Allah.

Dua can be beautified and perfected by certain actions:

1. Have Wudu, face Qibla, be neat and clean 
2. Raise both hands up to the shoulder with palms open facing up
3. Use words of Allah and Muhammad (SAW)-i.e. Duas found in Quran and Hadith 
4. Ask by Asma alHusna- Allah's Beautiful Names 
5. Ask Allah by your good deeds 
6. Be insistent-repeat (i.e. 3x's) 
7. Glorify Allah and recite Durud for the Prophet (SAW) at both the beginning and end 
8. Show humility, entreaty, desire and fear while making Dua 
9. Repent and try to make amends where one has wronged 
10. Confess mistakes, shortcomings, and sins 
11. Keep voice between a whisper and speaking aloud 
12. Show the need for Allah's help and implore Him for release from weakness, hardship and tribulation. 
13. Seize the opportunity of time, situation and circumstance in which prayers are answered 
14. Avoid rhymed prose to keep concentration 
15. Crying when making Dua 
16. The Dua of Dhun-Nun (Yunus) by which he invoked Allah from within the belly of the whale was: "LAa ilaha illa Anta, Subhanaka innee kuntu min aDH-DHaalimeen."

No Muslim ever makes Dua with it but Allah answers it." [at tirmidhi in his sunan, ahmad and hakim reported it and hakim declared it authentic and adh dhahabee agreed] 

17. End with "Alhamdulillah rabbil alameen"

Allah Almighty says in the Qur'an:

"When my servants ask you concerning me, (tell them) I am indeed close (to them). I listen to the prayer of every suppliant when he calls on me." [2:186] The place of duaa is so high to Allah, that the Prophet had said: "Nothing is more honourable to Allah the Most High than du`a."
[Sahih al-Jami` no.5268]. 

He also said: "The most excellent worship is du`a." 
[Sahih Al-Jami` no. 1133];

In order to warn those who are arogant, or careless in making duaa, the Prophet said: "The most incapable person is the one who does not make du`a, and the most miserly person is the one who does not give salaam." 
[Sahih Al-Jami` no. 1055],

And let not there be anyone who says: "... my Lord won't answer my prayer, because of this and that.. or because of so and so..". No! Indeed Allah is the Most Generous King. Is there anyone who met a king, and praised and glorified him, and then asked, yet the request was not granted? So what about Allah, the King of the Heavens and the Earth - who has total control over your life, your wealth and your future. Why would He not grant you your request? I

Indeed, our beloved Prophet had said: "Verily your Lord is the One modest and Generous, and when His servant raises his hands to Him in supplication, He is diffident (in some wordings, shy or hesitant) from returning them empty." 
[Ahmad, Abu Dawud and at-Tirmidhi - Hasan]